
H2>Full Moon Ritual

Ring bell three times

Anoint and admit ; "In the names of Hecate and Herne, welcome and Blessed Be."

Charge Salt; "Salt is life, let it purify in all ways that we may use it."

Exorcise Water; "May the sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water so we may use it throughout these rites."

"Let us be at one to worship the power. The power that moves the universe, for Behold! The Lords of light have set the stars upon the heavens, the Earth spins and the Moon holds true to her course. Let us walk proudly and hold our heads high, for the sky is our father and the earth is our mother and we are the children of the Gods!"

Cast Circle;

"We conjure thee O' circle of power that thou be a boundary between the world of man and the realms of the Mighty Ones, a guardian and protection that shall preserve and contain the power we shall raise within thee, Wherefore, do we Bless and consecrate you in the most sacred names of Hecate and Herne."

Cast with incense

Cast with water

Call Quarters;

East; "Through the Athame and the Topaz, we call up the Ancient Ones, King Paralda with thy zephyrs and Eurius the east wind. We do summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We bid you welcome!"

South; "Through the Wand and the Fire Opal, we call up the Ancient Ones, King Djinn with thy Salamandors and Notus the south wind. We do summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We bid you welcome!"

West; "Through the Water Crystal and the Cup, we call up the Ancient Ones, King Niksa with thy Undines and Zephyrus the west wind. We do summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We bid you welcome!"

North; "Through the Earth Crystal and the Pentacle, we call up the Ancient Ones, King Ghob with thy Gnomes and Borius the north wind. We do summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We bid you welcome!"

"All hail! The Elements and all hail the Gods. We bid the Lord and Lady welcome and invite them to join us in this ritual we hold in their honor. Now is the temple erected, let none leave it but with good reason."

Drawing Down the Moon.

"O' gentle Lady look upon us your children, those who seek to know Thee the more, to hear Thy wisdom, to feel Thy strength, to know Thy love."

[All coveners hold hands]

"Blessed Be thy feet that have brought you in these ways."
"Blessed Be thy knees which kneel with us at the sacred altar."
"Blessed Be thy womb without which naught would be."
"Blessed Be thy breast which offer comfort to us here."
"Blessed Be thy lips which utter the sacred names."

"I invoke Thee and call upon Thee, Great Mother of us all, bestower of life, of love, of grief, of death, and of joy. Of all that has been, is, and shall be. I call upon Thee here to descend unto the body of Thy humble servant and priestess. To speak to us, to give us wisdom understanding, and love."

"Of the Mother, Maiden, Crone; all My love to call thine own. Mine the scourge and Mine the kiss, five point star of love and bliss. Here I charge thee in this sign of Mine own love and light devine."

Charge of the Goddess

"Now listen to the words of the Great Mother who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Demeter, Miluisine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrod, Bridgid, Hecate, Isis and by many other names."

"When ever you have need of anything, once in a month, and better it be when the moon is full, ye shall assemble in some secret place and adore the sprit of Me who am Queen of all Witches. Ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love all in My praise : For Mine is the ecstasy of the sprit, and Mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings."

"Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess , She in the dust of whos feet are the host of heaven, whose body encircleth the universe."

"I am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon and the mysteries of the waters. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, myrth and reverance within you. And you who seek to know Me.... know, that your seeking and yearning shall avail you not, unless you know the mystery. If that which seek you find not within you shall never find it without. For behold , I have been with you from the beginning I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

Drawing Down the Sun

"In Her name do I invoke Thee, Mighty Father of us all. Lugh, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne. Come in answer to my call. Descend, I pray Thee, unto the body of Thy humble servant and priest."

"Blessed Be thy feet that have brought you in these ways."
"Blessed Be thy knees that kneel at the sacred altar."
"Blessed Be thy phallas without which naught would be."
"Blessed Be thy chest erected in strength."
"Blessed Be thy lips which utter the sacred names."

Charge of the God

"I am the fire within your heart, the yearning of your soul. I am the hunter of knowledge and the seeker of the holy quest. I, who stand in the darkness of light, am He whom you have called death. I, the consort and mate of She whom we adore, call fourth to thee, Heed My call, beloved ones. Come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and of peace. I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am He who leads you home. Scourge and Flame, Blade and Blood, these are Mine and gifts to thee. Call unto Me from the forest wild and on hilltops bare and seek Me in the darkness bright . I who have been called Pan, Herne, Osiris and Hades, speak to thee in thy search. Come dance and sing, come love and smile . For behold! This is My worship. You are My children and I am thy father. On swift night wings it is I who lays you at the mother's feet to be reborn and to return again. But, thou who thinks to seek Me , know that I am the untaimed wind, the fury of the storm, the passion in your soul. Seek Me with courage lest you be swept away in thy seeking. Seek Me with pride and humility, but, seek Me best with love and strength. For this is My path , and I love not the weak and the fearful. Hear My call on long winter nights and we shall stand together guarding Her earth as She sleeps."

"Depth calls on height, the Goddess on the God, on Him that is the flame that quickens Her"

"Let the hammer strike the anvil."
"Let the lightening touch the earth."
"Let the lance ensoul the grail."
"Let the magick come to birth."

Witches Rune

Darksome night and shining moon, East then South then West then North, Harken to the Witches' Rune, Here we come to call ye fourth.

Earth and Water, Air and Fire, Wand and Pentacle and Sword, Work ye unto our desire, And harken ye unto our word.

Cord and censer, scourge and knife, Powers of the Witches' blade, Waken all ye unto life, And come ye as the charm is made.

Queen of heaven, Queen of hell, Horned Hunter of the night, Lend Your power unto our spell, And work our will by magick rite.

By all the powers of land and sea, By all the might of moon and sun, As do we will - So Mote It Be, Chant the spell and be it done.

Eko, Eko Azarak,
Eko, Eko Zamilak,
Eko, Eko Herne,
Eko, Eko Hecate.

Cakes and Ale

"As the athame is to the male, the cup is to the female, and conjoined it brings fourth blessedness."

"O' Queen most sacred, bless these cakes unto our bodies bestowing health, wealth, joy, and that fulfillment of love that is perpetual happiness."

"Thanks be to the Old Ones and thanks be to the Gods for sharing this time and sacred space with us. Our thanks for watching over us, guarding and guiding us in all things. Love is the Law, Love is the Bond."

Dismiss Quarters

East: "Mighty King Paralda and Eurius the east wind, we thank you for your attendance. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you Hail and Farewell!"

South: "Mighty King Djinn and Notus the south wind, we thank you for your attendance. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you Hail and Farewell!"

West:"Mighty King Niksa and Zephyrus the west wind, we thank you for your attendance. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you Hail and Farewell!"

North: "Mighty King Ghob and Borius the north wind, we thank you for your attendance. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you Hail and Farewell!"

"The Circle is open, yet unbroken."
"Merry did we meet!"
"Merry have we been!"
"Merry let us part!"
"And Merry meet again!"

By Cronemother

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